Wednesday March 19, 2025
19 Adar 5785
Today's Daf is Sanhedrin 92
22 days left until we start Makkos
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These shiurim were originally recorded on tapes and then encoded to mp3, wma and real audio files. The files were then resliced to one amud per file.

To download a file, you must RIGHT CLICK on the link and then select Save Target As... to save it to your computer. If you simply left click on it, the file will download to a temporary location and begin playing, but you will probably not be able to locate it later.

To download a whole masechta at a time, you can use the Masechta Downloader.

Brachos Shabbos Eruvin Pesachim Shekalim Yoma Succah Beitzah Rosh Hashanah Taanis Megilah Moed Katan Chagigah Yevamos Kesuvos Nedarim Nazir Sotah Gitin Kiddushin Bava Kama Bava Metzia Bava Basra Sanhedrin Makkos Shevuos Avoda Zarah Horayos Zevachim Menachos Chulin Bechoros Erchin Temurah Kerisus Meilah Nidah


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